Kanlungan sa Er-Ma Ministry
Kanlungan sa Er-Ma Ministry supports 50 children at the drop-in center of the Ministry which is geared towards the holistic development of children in need of special protection. Services include advocacy, income-generating projects, farm training, learning and development projects.
Established in 1988 by a network of Christian churches around Ermita-Malate area of Manila, the Kanlungan sa Er-Ma Ministry, Inc. is a non-profit corporation licensed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). All programs and services are geared toward the child’s character development, formation of moral and spiritual values, development and enhancement of capabilities and potentials, raising self-esteem and equipping the child with life skills that they may become self-reliant and productive citizens if not reconciled to their families and communities. The Ministry operates a drop-in center in the Ermita-Malate area, as well as another facility in the province of Laguna. Many of the children left in their care have been abused. In 2021, PIA provided $6,000 in COVID assistance. The grant went to the purchase and distribution of food and hygiene packages to the children's families. |